Monday, May 09, 2005

Mario Golf

While babysitting my niece this past weekend, I discovered something I have been missing, video games on a console. There was MarioKart, which I passed up this trip in favor of games I had not played before. I played StarFox for 6 hrs straight before I found out that I was only 25% through it and saving was not an option. But the one that held my attention that most was Mario Golf. After one tournament of 18 holes I had a good grasp on the mechanics of it and using my skills from Outlaw Golf I quickly racked up the trophies. It is a game I would definately need if I had a GameCube. It would have been awesome if I would have had some one else to play with. It is still a little too complicated for Kaylen.

Other things that happened:
-Saw my mom in the hospital a few times. Her recovery and reintroduction to food will take a while.
-Saw my sister's dead shriveled up turtle. Lookup like a mummy in the shell.
-Used my animal magnetism on their 3 cats.
-Drew a large picture of my niece for my mom for mother's day.


Blogger Mo said...

"used your animal magnatism?" as long as that isn't a cachphrase for "turned them into your cockmittens" ....

10:46 AM  
Blogger ~eve~ said...


10:56 AM  
Blogger Mo said...

that's our K-Dawg...always completely inappropriate with his cockmitten abuse....

1:00 PM  
Blogger K-Dawg said...

there was one that would roll over on her back like she wanted it

2:37 PM  

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