Monday, April 09, 2007

Names for my sister's dog

Today I came home to find that Ruby had taken it upon herself to redecorate by ripping up the flowers I got my mom for Easter and then proceeding to spread the dirt from one end of the room to the other. I took pictures because no one would believe the extent of the chaos had I not.

This made me think of the various names I have used to describe my sister's dog besides the obvious ones that sprang to mind as I had to clean up her mess.

1) Chimera - head of one animal, body of another
2) Hoppity - she hops around on 2 legs when she gets excited and hooked on a leash
3) Grumbles - she complains a lot
4) Rhombus - my sister used the word square, which is a legitimate term when referring to the height to length comparison on a dog. I thought it should be a little more skew than that.
5) Bu-Dunka-Dog - it was late and it was funny leave me alone
6) Rump Shaker - she shakes her ass when she is excited, or wants something
7) Woolly Mammoth - she is quite hairy for a chihuahua
8) The Ring Leader - well this is pending, waiting to see if my sister gets the teacup chihuahua she wants


Blogger Mo said...

aww..a pet for Ruby. It'll follow her around and clean up her messes!

9:33 AM  

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