Monday, November 14, 2005

me + xbox = unpossible

Today at work i was offered an Xbox and three controllers for around $60. There are no games included in this offer but I still think it is a good deal. Not sure if i will take him up on it or not. He already gave away all his games and is looking forward to owning a shiny new xbox 360. any suggestions?

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Costume

This is not the best photo that could have been taken but unless i get dressed up again this is all i got. i had black pants and even painted my hands red in an attempt to prove i had slain a few zombies. I was however lacking the cricket bat. I know I know what was i thinking. But having finally decided on the outfit the night before i needed it and spending most of the next morning finding a red tie i think it turned out well. Oh and the red stain on the shirt was absent as well. I did not want to ruin the shirt which I might have done with the red on my hands. hmmph.

I also wore my willy wonka goggles. They did not go with the theme but I could not pass up the oppurtunity to wear them.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween Costume Ideas 2005

here is a list of the costume choices i went threw trying to figure out what i was going to be for Halloween this year.

1) The Dude ( The Big Lebowski)
2) Mitch Hedberg (no need to explain who he is)
3) Chris Pontius (Jackass, Wildboyz)
4) Shipwreck (modern comic book version)
5) Alex ( A Clockwork Orange)
6) something involving the goggles from the new Willy Wonka
7) something i would like to call Octo-Hulk, seeing as how i now own 3 pair of hulk hands

And the winner is....

8) Shaun (Shaun of the Dead)