Thursday, January 12, 2006

office space

Today was the usual witty banter among co workers at work, the laborious task of matching what a spreadsheet says to what it actually present in the unsorted, uninventoried warehouse and the nonchalant tossing of radios through the air to destinations unknown, but with an added bonus. While taking our sweet as time removing boxes from the warehouse to happen across a discarded computer monitor. Our eyes widened and we all looking at each other with the same thought on all our minds, "OFFICE SPACE". If ever there was a time to vent frustration at work this was it.

Each of the three of us scattered in different direction to collect what we needed. One grabbed the monitor, one grabbed the key and made the phone call to open the door, and the other found a 8ft metal pole to bludgeon with.

We each took our best javelin throws at the screen in an attempt to harpoon this display cube. And each time the monitor mocked us by not giving in. A few light scratches were the only evident the monitor was touched. Frustration was apparent. We could not devote an extensive amount of time on this so we gave up but I in one last attempt picked it up and power bombed in it the dumpster. A 4 inch crack in the plastic exterior was all that I was rewarded with, screen still very much intact. Fuckin piece of shit.

--:A few days ago one of the hot girls at work was hit in the head with a radio when it fell off a shelf. ironically she was wearing a wonder woman shirt at the time. i've been talking to her more lately, too bad i don't know if she is seeing anyone.


Blogger Mo said...

you totally have to work it into the conversation all casual-like. Like maybe talk about yourself. Like "wow, I'm so glad me and my ex are still friends. She's such a great person and all, but man, I could really use some fresh 'tang." You know, casual.

12:47 PM  
Blogger K-Dawg said...

well one problem is that there is a guy at work who is either seeing her or her sister(who also works there).

tang, yeh real subtle. my in as i like to see it is to make her laugh and to set myself up for an oppurtunity to make fun of me. if her quip is good then i know she is paying attention to me and not just trying to be nice at talk to me.

she makes working in the warehouse tolerable. if not for the lack of radio work to do i would have little interaction with her.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

6:12 PM  

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