I recently applied for a job as a Web Developer. I have had a few communications with this prospective employer. The first was to see examples of my work. No problem I sent him shit I did at MU. A week later he gives me another assignment. I have to create a website for a ficticous company. To do this I have to use either ASP or ASP.NET. I know neither. I also need to be able to access a database, which again I don't know how to do. These things are not really a big concern for me. I mean how hard could it be. My big problem is that I have no idea what to based the website around. I am usually running off at the mouth with bunches of ideas but this time I am at a loss. I kind of need to know that so I can model the website. This is due by Monday and I have yet to put fingers to keys.
Good luck, my dude.
I'd give you suggestions, but they're all lame. LAME!!
so, um, how'd that go?
well it took me the full week because i refused to rush. made it more complicated than it needed to be. i have an interview on thursday morning.
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