Sunday, December 17, 2006

A few things...

..because the past 2 weeks have been relatively uneventful.

SSX Blur, as of now, is said to be a Wii exclusive. I may have to look into getting one of those at some point. There is a sample of video on YouTube.
SSX Blur

My supervisor and I both spent a whole day playing Bowmaster Prelude at work. We were not so productive that day.

Apparently my car has a sports package I was not aware of, making my tires a tad expensive.

My monitor still has not returned from it's trip to the West coast. Who knows, maybe it is getting pimped.

I got sucked into watching SciFi's The Lost Room. The whole 6 hour miniseries. I did not watch The Office x-mas special because I still don't find the show funny. I am looking forward to the Doctor Who X-mas special in about week.