Tuesday, December 04, 2007


My niece has a tendency to sleepwalk. This is nothing new but tends to come and go dependent on who knows what. She walks around talking incoherently with her eyes open and does not remember the experience the next day. From what my sister says, you can not wake her up, even if you shake her a little she remains the same. She is able to navigate around things but has no idea what is going on.

This evening she walked past my room, then walked the other way, then walked in to ask me a question.
She said, "Can I........since I'm........doing this today.........can I have........a.........um". At this point she sat in my bed and continued with saying,"um....some small furniture." To which I replied with a quizzical tone, "Small furniture?" She confirmed with a yes and then I asked her to follow me as I lead her back to her room where she found her bed and went back to sleep.


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