Friday, August 19, 2005

God damn it

Everytime a show is on, i mean a show i really want to watch which at this point is very few, not the crap i settle on or the stuff i have already seen, some way some how like clockwork i get interrupted. Either by my mom who wants me to move something, my niece who wants to play some game that takes her 10 minutes to explain because the way she talks sounds like porky pig stuttering or my dad telling me to do something i have no interest in doing. Why can they not schedule these things at different times. Seriously, have they figured out the shows i watch and deliberately plotted against me to get some rise out of me. I won't show it of course but it's working whether intentionally or not.

ADDITIONAL: also somehow whenever i am in my room and think to myself that i need to go the bathroom, i hear the door close as someone else has beaten me to it. perhaps i am picking up their brainwaves maybe not but it happens to many times for it to be a coincidence.


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