Saturday, October 08, 2005

I am NOT a trucker....

...really more of a cube-rat. My first week went better than I was expecting. By better I mean it is not a horrible place to work. I amazed everyone with the relative short time it took for the company to give me a security card and computer login, a process that usually takes weeks for others. Most of the week consisted of me rolling from cubicle to cubicle talking to people. I had some half-assed training along with that. Friday was a combination of the training I got on both Monday and Tuesday resulting in me falling asleep during the group training session. One of the guys that I report to took it upon himself to throw a ball of paper at me to wake me up. I was very confused when I came to because I could not figure out how did it. I dosed off a few more times after that.

My run down for the my first week:
Monday:Sitting around and intro to equip through pictures
Tuesday:Programming training and a trip to the Indiantown Gap
Wednesday:Camp Hill Prison where I got served lunch by a prisoner and then sitting around in my cube
Thursday:Sitting around and then some training
Friday:Repeat of Monday and Tuesday.

Things I have heard/learned:
1) "Water is really bendy."
2) "When you talk about a guy being anatomically correct, you are usually not refering to his arm."
3) Dom Perignon and 24 wings comes to be about $210
4) I found a sports bar where I can order Cristal
5) The radio in one of the van is broken

This job seems like chaos and boredom come in waves. I also found out that I will be going to Pittsburgh in a week or 2.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for a job that doesn't completely suck! It does not surprise me, somehow, that you never broke yourself of the habit of falling asleep in class.

you trucker.


1:32 PM  
Blogger K-Dawg said...

the trainer on Friday was the same guy that taught me on Monday and Tuesday. He is terrible uninteresting and told many non-funny jokes. i learn that stuff better through doing not looking.

4:34 PM  

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