hit and run
I flicked on the radio as usual in the morning to get the traffic report to plan my route to work accordingly. (I don't have a lot of choices as to how to get there but I like to trick myself into believing I do.) I was greeted with the common list of back logs with one addition. It seems that there were body parts stroon down the highway mere miles from my house. I had to wait until the news/traffic cycled around again for me to get details. From what I gathered someone got literally creamed by a big rig and got spread over an area of road. The people that had called it in were not sure what they saw on the road and knew how much of a joke it seemed like when they called the police. The highway was backed up for miles because of traffic having to be diverted. Glad I was headed the other way.
That was really the last thing I ever thought I would hear about on the radio to start off my day. As it was for most people I'm sure, it was the domainant thought running through my head today.
That was really the last thing I ever thought I would hear about on the radio to start off my day. As it was for most people I'm sure, it was the domainant thought running through my head today.
gross. That'll teach you to get drunk and challange an eighteen-wheeler to an arm-wrassel.
I heard they had to ID her with credit cards they found and the vehicle that struck her by parts that were laying around. Not sure how accurate the truck ID was though. It was either a Volkswagen or a Volvo truck. I guess the emblem was imprinted somewhere on one of her parts.
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