Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Astronauts vs. Cavemen

This is a debate that has been discussed a lot more that I thought possible. My introduction to it came from a conversation between Angel and Spike during an episode of Angel called "A Hole in the World".

Things to consider when thinking about this topic:
-do they have weapons? if not, are they allowed to make weapons from what ever is provided in their surrounding?
-are the astronauts in their spacesuits or just their flight suits? This may fall under the weapons category.
-what type of caveman are we dealing with? neandertal, cro magnon, what?
-where are they fighting? desert, jungle, holo-deck, cage match?

There are many factors to consider when formulating an answer. It may help to look at examples of this conflict.
(1) Ewoks vs. the Empire - In the battle of Endor both sides where given weapons, but the Ewoks had the home field advantage. It is of great irony that the techonolgially superior Empire is defeated with sticks and stones. Winner:Ewoks.
(2)Planet of the Apes - Over the years, the once dominate species of Man has been demoted to being the underlings of Apekind. Man's arrogance was his own downfall, leading the way for a new king of the hill to be established. Winner(if you want to call it that): Apes.
(3)Star Trek:TOS, episode "Arena" - Kirk is stranded on a planet with an alien known as a Gorn, which appears to be a reptilian creature of few words but savage intent. They are to fight each other in mortal combat. Kirk is resourceful and constructs a canon from materials he find scattered around the battle area. Winner:Kirk(how he knew how to make a priimitive canon with gunpowder and rocks in the whatever century he lives in is beyond me).

In a brawling free for all I have to go with the Caveman. I have to side with Spike.


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