Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just my luck

As for an update, well I managed to get my ass back to the store a 2nd and then 3rd time trying not to come off as creepy. I also bought stuff everytime based on her recommmendations. I conversed with her and then went on my way. Things were going well until I learned some things. 1. She is married and 2. she is into God and Jesus, seriously what are the chances of the second when you work in a store like that. The first thing I can understand, that is my luck because this is not the first time that has happened. It's a real kick in the slats.

Part of me wishes I had wussed or she had ignored me because now I don't know what to do, while the other part of me thinks it is cool I talked to someone I don't know and uttered more than 5 syllables and as a bonus it was someone from HT.

Maybe, if someone would not have ignored my repeated phone calls I could have saved myself from feeling stupid. Perhaps I could have gotten advised on looking for clues of her status.

Regardless I am still considering wearing a tie every now and then. You know in the top button undone, loose tie kind of way that says yeah I am a slave to the man but I have the heart of a tortured genius, or something like that. Somehow that works for me.


Blogger Mo said...

awwww...I sorry. Who the hell would expect a married GOD girl in Hot Topic???

Well, we all know that you actually ARE a tortured genius artist type, so maybe you should dress the part. Kudos for trying though. You know, she probably works there so she can work out her frustrations about her repressed life and flirt with customers, so you probably weren't that far off. Now find one who's single, and you're all set.

2:00 PM  
Blogger ~eve~ said...

I just gotta say K, I'm pretty proud of you for chatting up this girl.

Seriously though, she defies all stereotype. Sounds intriguing.

Also, know how you feel re: lack of phone calls. If M-dawg is unavailable, I'd be happy to serve as back-up wingman. (I know it's not the same, but still.)

12:47 PM  

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