Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I bought a book today

The total came to $4.77. I handed the guy a 20 and waited for my change. I noticed that he was just staring at the money in the drawer trying to figure out the change that was displayed in front of him,$15.23.

Me: "Oh, I have the 7 cents, if that helps"
Him:(with a look of confusion)"Um..."
Me: "That makes it $15.30"

At this point he looked at me then the register and back at me like he could not deal with this new information. He world came to a screeching halt. He had to lay the 20 down across the slots for money for it appeared he has forgotten what to do with it. He had to hand me $15 then take my 7 cents and think for a second and then gave me the 30 cents more.

I had no idea it was that easy to throw a person's world into chaos. That was simple mathiplication. How was he a cashier? How did they let him handle money?

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm gonna skip over a few things that happened on vacation, like, me almost making my mom throw up in the car, my sister falling in a hole not once but twice that she watched me dig, my mom and niece getting locked in the bathroom because the doorknob fell off the outside, which had had warned her about not 5 minutes before that, or Chris walking around in a wet suit that was a bit too small. I'll head straigt for the most interesting, deep sea fishing.

This is the second time that I have done this. What made this time different was that it was at night. There is just something about fishing on a boat, drinking a Rock, with no land in sight. Once the sun went down, there was not way to tell when the sea ended and the sky began. It was cloudy so there were not stars either, it makes you feel very small.

I did manage to caught a fish thought. Officially it was not a keeper, but I threw it in the cooler anyway. On the other hand, my sister had to show me up by catching 3 that were valid ones. The enabled her to win the fishing pool that was being held on the boat. She walked away with $65. Chris walked away disappointed with not a single fish to speak of.

Me and my fish

Mine would be the little guy at the top.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Sand in my Ass

It looks like I will be going on vacation again this year with my family. We all know how pleasant that will be. I know, I know. Why am I going you ask? Well, orginally I was not supposed to because of my summer class but that ended up getting cancelled. Then I had an interview for a job, but the lady I interviewed with is also going on vacation this coming week so I won't know if I even got the job til after that.

I could just not go, but I have no valid reason. I would just end up sitting on my ass all week watching pr0n and being lazy. Everyone I know works during the day. Phaedre works all the time so going to see her is prolly out for quite a while, the same can be said for her coming here.

I had also planned to reconstruct and burn my chair this week. That may not happen for a while as well. In the meantime, it resides in the trunk of my car so that my dad does not throw it away and I so that I don't have to explain why I want to keep it. I had also been toying with the idea of a titty bar but I guess we will never know will we.

I'll just go with the idea that I am supposed to be in OC,NJ this coming week for something.

On a high note, this will mark the last week that my mom is off work, sitting around the house with me all day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Photoshop + Animals

I found this site where people mixed animals and fruit into come hybrid organism. Some of them are really well done. As they go on though, the quality of the fusion gets pretty bad.

orange frog

The rattle snake and banana is also a good one.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Banana Hammock Gang

or Bunch, I have not decided.

Here they are. The character I hope to turn into a web comic. It will prolly be slow at first but I will try. Production has not yet began but there are ideas on paper. I need a little help though.

I think there needs to be a female character. I not being one don't think that I could render the idea form myself. In addition to that story ideas would be good too.

I would be ever so grateful for any character sketches or story ideas you might have to offer. If I get any good ones I might post them here. Use the email in my profile.

Oh almost forgot, any opinion about the name of the comic and characters?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Astronauts vs. Cavemen

This is a debate that has been discussed a lot more that I thought possible. My introduction to it came from a conversation between Angel and Spike during an episode of Angel called "A Hole in the World".

Things to consider when thinking about this topic:
-do they have weapons? if not, are they allowed to make weapons from what ever is provided in their surrounding?
-are the astronauts in their spacesuits or just their flight suits? This may fall under the weapons category.
-what type of caveman are we dealing with? neandertal, cro magnon, what?
-where are they fighting? desert, jungle, holo-deck, cage match?

There are many factors to consider when formulating an answer. It may help to look at examples of this conflict.
(1) Ewoks vs. the Empire - In the battle of Endor both sides where given weapons, but the Ewoks had the home field advantage. It is of great irony that the techonolgially superior Empire is defeated with sticks and stones. Winner:Ewoks.
(2)Planet of the Apes - Over the years, the once dominate species of Man has been demoted to being the underlings of Apekind. Man's arrogance was his own downfall, leading the way for a new king of the hill to be established. Winner(if you want to call it that): Apes.
(3)Star Trek:TOS, episode "Arena" - Kirk is stranded on a planet with an alien known as a Gorn, which appears to be a reptilian creature of few words but savage intent. They are to fight each other in mortal combat. Kirk is resourceful and constructs a canon from materials he find scattered around the battle area. Winner:Kirk(how he knew how to make a priimitive canon with gunpowder and rocks in the whatever century he lives in is beyond me).

In a brawling free for all I have to go with the Caveman. I have to side with Spike.

100th post....

... give or take a few this is number 100. I know it is arbitrary and other I know are prolly well beyond this point, but I'm surprised that I actually stuck with this thing this long. As of late I have not had anything worth writing about, therefore I have become quite lack in my postings. I would like to change that. I'm tossing around a few ideas like posting more of my drawing. A way to place some incentive to start actively drawing and sketching again. ~eve~ has asked me to consider doing a web comic. That is not as easy as it would sound, but I may give that a shot too.

So with this centennial event changes should go into effect immediately. That should be enough to get me going again.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

music info

Total Volume Of Music Files On My Computer: 3.58GB. That is what is currently on my PC, that does not include the near 12GB I have backed up on DVD. Still not a whole lot but I tend to add an album or two a week.

The Last CD I Bought Was: The Wraith: Hell’s Pit by Insane Clown Posse, wish I could say it was something else but I hardly buy CDs.

Favorite song from the album (er, CD)? This was not as good as their past albums so I only listened it maybe twice. No favorites to speak of.

Song Playing Right Now: The White Stripes – Blue Orchid

Five Songs That I Listen To A Lot (Or That Mean A Lot To Me):

Not an easy list to make since I don't keep all my music handy, but here is a list that is close enough.

1. "Duality" by Slipknot. This song just pops in my head when I am driving around. I especially enjoy the line: “ I've wished for this, I've bitched at that, I've left behind this little fact: You cannot kill what you did not create”.

2. "Tribute" by Tenacious D. Who can resist the D?

3. "Hysteria" by Muse. Actually I’ve been listening to 2 of their albums lately, Origin of Symmetry and Absolution.

4. "Fight Music" by D12. Makes me want to rip shit up like Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff".

5. "Gimme Gimme Gimme" by A Perfect Circle. Whenever this comes on in my car I feel compelled to sing along.
