Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I bought a book today

The total came to $4.77. I handed the guy a 20 and waited for my change. I noticed that he was just staring at the money in the drawer trying to figure out the change that was displayed in front of him,$15.23.

Me: "Oh, I have the 7 cents, if that helps"
Him:(with a look of confusion)"Um..."
Me: "That makes it $15.30"

At this point he looked at me then the register and back at me like he could not deal with this new information. He world came to a screeching halt. He had to lay the 20 down across the slots for money for it appeared he has forgotten what to do with it. He had to hand me $15 then take my 7 cents and think for a second and then gave me the 30 cents more.

I had no idea it was that easy to throw a person's world into chaos. That was simple mathiplication. How was he a cashier? How did they let him handle money?


Blogger Mo said...

I guess there was no "book" picture on his register for him to push.


4:20 PM  

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